2022 MILCOM Technical Achievement Award
Winner: Dr. Andreas Polydoros
The Fred W. Ellersick Award for the Best Paper in the Unclassified Technical Program
Title: “Joint Beam Management and Relay Selection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning UAV Networks ”
Authors: Dohyun Kim; Robert Heath; & Miguel R. Castellanos
Author Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin & North Carolina State University
The Lt. Gen. Gordon T. Gould Best Paper Award in the Restricted Access Program
Title: "Counter-Direction-Finding Communications: Design and Analysis using 5G NR Channel Models”
Authors: Richard Barron, Dan Sinkiewicz and Rob Layden, MITRE Corporation
NSC Vanu Bose Best Paper Award
Title: Joint Beam Management and Relay Selection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for MmWave UAV Relay Networks
Authors: Dohyun Kim*; Miguel R Castellanos+ ; Robert W Heath Jr+;
Author affiliation: * Univ. of Texas at Austin, +: North Carolina State Univ.
Women in Spectrum Scholarship Award
Regarding the women in spectrum scholarship, there are four award recipients:
- Alison Gagne
- Jiayu (Leoni) Lu
- Kayla Lyman
- Sanaz Naderi
Congratulations to all award winners!
Founded in 1982, MILCOM has been the preeminent forum bringing together thought leaders in government, industry, and academia to discuss innovative research and cutting-edge technology development. Celebrating the 40th year anniversary of the MILCOM conference, MILCOM 2022 is themed around “Transforming Decision Making through Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)”, building technology pillars in secure communications, resilient networks, multi-domain operations, cyber security, and machine learning.
MILCOM 2022 will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including five technical tracks, workshops, a variety of technical panels and tutorials, for both unclassified technical program and restricted access technical program. The conference will also feature keynotes and plenary panels with prominent speakers from government, industry and research organizations, as well as vendor exhibition, women’s forum, industry lightning talks, and student poster sessions.
MILCOM 2022 technical program consists of rigorously peer-reviewed technical papers, selected tutorials, workshops, and technical panels on current and emerging topics applicable to all facets of military communications. We encourage professionals in industry, academia, and government worldwide to attend the in-person conference and have a rewarding and fruitful full conference experience. The general forum will be open to all and accepted technical papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. There will also be a Restricted Access Program to support Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) materials in the same venue, and a Classified Program at the MITRE facility.
Unclassified Technical Program
MILCOM Unclassified Technical Program provides a venue for papers and presentations that do not include ITAR sensitive, CUI, classified, or proprietary information.
MILCOM 2022 Unclassified Technical Program received 262 paper submissions to five technical tracks and accepted 129 papers after completing a rigorous peer-review process. This year, MILCOM will have a Young Scholar Workshop program featuring students poster papers. The detail schedule for accepted papers in each track will be posted in EDAS.
MILCOM 2022: Program (
Restricted Access Technical Program
MILCOM2022 Restricted Access Technical Program features technical papers, panels, and a workshop, up to Control Unclassified Information (CUI), on current and emerging topics. The restricted access technical program will be held at the conference hotel and limited to registered US citizen attendees only.
Restricted Technical Program | Military Communications Conference - MILCOM 2022
Technical Panels
MILCOM2022 Technical Panel Program features 9 panels with renowned panelists to discuss current and emerging topics related to military communications.
Technical Panels | Military Communications Conference - MILCOM 2022
Tutorial Program
MILCOM2022 features 12 half-day and one-day tutorials. The tutorial topics and instructors are posted below.
Tutorials | Military Communications Conference - MILCOM 2022
Workshops Program
MILCOM2022 workshop program features half-day and one-day workshops focusing on special topics related to military communications.
Workshops | Military Communications Conference - MILCOM 2022
Classified Program
MILCOM2022 Classified Program will take place on Thursday, 1 December & Friday, 2 December 2022. The hosting facility is offsite at MITRE located at: 7596 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539. Transportation and meals will be provided.
Classified Program | Military Communications Conference - MILCOM 2022